24 May 2018 Release Notes - Send user invitations in bulk

SDK's latest updates include new user invitation functionality which will allow project administrators to invite users in bulk!

In the user invite section of your project, click 'Bulk Add Users.'

Next, there's a nice big box where you can add these new users emails in bulk. Our favorite way to do this is to copy/paste them from an excel document, but you can type them in by hand as well! Just make sure the emails are either separated by line breaks or commas and you'll be good to go.

When choosing these users permissions, note that all users that you invite will have the same permissions. Simply check the boxes next to the permissions you want to grant, and click 'Next.'

The confirmation screen will show you the emails that will receive invitations, and the permissions that each of these users will be granted. If everything looks right, click 'Send Bulk Invitations' and off they'll go!

If you don't see the 'Bulk Add Users' button, it means you are not an administrator of your project. To have users added in bulk, or to become an administrator, please contact your project's administrator. You can tell who administers the project by finding a user with the blue 'Admin' triangle on their user card.