28 September 2018 Release Notes - New Language Support + Bug Fixes

The SDK2 mobile app (available on Android and iPhone) is now sporting new language support - Spanish! SDK2 has always supported forms in multiple languages, the the app itself was only available in English. Now the app can be used in Spanish as well. If you'd like to use SDK2 in Spanish, please contact us by adding a support ticket.

In addition to adding new language support, we also fixed a couple other things:

  • Upon opening the app for the first time, you'd be greeted with a spinner that never stopped spinning! We've fixed that, and now it stops spinning once the sync is complete.

  • There was a confusing user experience that caused many users to back out of a record without saving it. We've modified this experience to force users to either save the record before going back, or intentionally cancel knowing the record will be lost.

Stay tuned for an upcoming release that will greatly improve SDK2 Web Forms!